Planting native species should always be your first choice when designing your landscape. Their ability to survive in long winters and adapt to local environment conditions allow them to thrive in our mountain climate, making them both a sustainable and practical choice for protecting and beautifying your home as well as reducing your water usage.
7 Benefits of Planting Native:
Want to learn more about native plants? Visit Grow Wild’s website for additional resources.
What are keystone plants? These native plants form the backbone of our local ecosystem. They are highly productive, supporting the highest number of species and playing a critical role in maintaining or restoring native biodiversity. Landscapes that don’t have one or more of these keystone plants will not have a thriving food web, resulting in imbalances in its ecosystem.
Help support the Big Sky ecosystem by incorporating one or more of these native plant species into your landscape while also reducing fire risk and water use.
* Please note that specific species are given as examples, but selecting any species within the genera that is native to Big Sky is a good option.
(Prunus virginiana – Prunus)
(Pseodotsuga menziesii -Pseudotsuga)
(Echinacea pallida – Echinacea)
(Echinacea pallida – Erigeron)
(Lupinus sericeus – Lupinus)
(Penstemon procerus – Penstemon)
(Helianthella uniflora – Helinanthus)
(Solidao missouriensis – Salidago)
Download our detailed spreadsheet of the best plants for local landscapes in Big Sky with specifics on their care, benefits, and growth patterns.
Detailed information on everything from how to get started to how to maintain a thriving fire-safe, water-wise and ecosystem-friendly Big Sky landscape.
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